
The offer by Antonio Gallego Burín to publish the work in the publishing house of the University of Granada arose after a lecture on Yerma that the poet gave in the Casa de los Tiros (Shooting House) and continued in the restaurant Los Manueles. The event was also attended by Emilio García Gómez. From this meeting came Gallego Burín’s request to Federico to give him the manuscript for publication and García Gómez’s commitment to prepare the collection and write the prolog. According to García Gómez the book was never published because of the Civil War.

In the prolog, García Gómez (who had published Poemas arábigo-andaluces (Arabic-Andalusian Poems)) in 1930 and which Lorca surely read) pointed out the differences between the Arabic stanzas and those used by Federico. What unites Lorca’s collection of poems with the Arabic-Andalusian tradition is, according to García Gómez, his “delirious granadinismo”, his love for Granada, his perception of the city, his fascination with water…