
Although García Lorca had announced many times the imminent appearance of Suites, the poet would not get to see the book during his lifetime. And although he said he had the volume ready (at some point he gave the manuscripts for publication) the book presents many textual problems. Starting with the index, which does not exist.

Until the 1980s, Suites appeared as single poems in Lorca’s complete works (in Losada’s or Aguilar’s). In 1981, André Belamich published a French version of the poems as a book. To do so, he reconstructed them in chronological order. In 1983, the same editor was to publish them in Spain, in Ariel. Belamich added more than 2,000 verses that had been published by the author before.

Maurer has corrected Belamich’s arrangement and some texts, although it has not been possible to date some suites and there are still textual problems.

García Posada follows the two editors and includes some novelties in his Complete Works (in Galaxia Gutenberg, 1996) and separates the mutilated suites (in an appendix) or the texts not revised or discarded by the author (in Different Poems).

Eutimio Martín finally edited them in 2017 under the title Low sky. Suites, in Debolsillo. There were few suites that the author published during his lifetime. Some appeared in magazines (in Index, by Juan Ramón Jiménez, in Verse and prose, in Lola, Carmen’s supplement). First songs (1936), is a selection published on January 28, 1936 by Manuel Altolaguirre in the magazine Hero.