
Lorca’s Route: Federico in the feminine. From the Vega to the Alhambra, the poet carried the female figure in his soul and in his work.

La Vega of Granada is a territory steeped in history, an example of sustainable development for centuries, the fertile Vega fed a mosaic of cultures that left their mark on it and it in turn left its influence on the work of the poet.

Do you know how his women lived and how they influenced the history of the Vega and the poet’s work? Discover the history of his women with the life of the poet as a common thread, how they influenced his work.

Discover more about the life and work of this exceptional poet. Stroll through his favorite corners, know his village, his house, his neighbors, a source of inspiration for his most famous characters, his unjust and untimely death…

Discover the most beautiful and poetic Granada, enjoy the work of the poet in the places that inspired him. We bring you closer to the life and work of this unique character.

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