In memoriam

Dulce chopo,
[Sweet poplar,]
Dulce chopo,
[sweet poplar,]
Te has puesto
[you’ve started]
De oro.
[turning yellow.]
Ayer estabas verde,
[Yesterday you were green]
Un verde loco
[a crazy green]
De pájaros
[of magnificent]
Hoy estás abatido
[Today you’re depressed]
Bajo el cielo de agosto
[under the August sky]
Como yo frente al cielo
[same as me looking at the stars]
De mi espíritu rojo.
[with my red spirit.]
La fragancia cautiva
[The fascinating scent]
De tu tronco
[of your trunk]
Vendrá a mi corazón
[will reach my pious]
¡Rudo abuelo del prado!
[Hey, tough grandfather of the flat land!]
[We too,]
Nos hemos puesto
[have started]
De oro.
[to turn yellow …]